I’ve written a short note about suprema and infima in formal math: Toward formalization of partial infima and suprema It is especially useful for these who do math formally (in proof assistants), but may be inspiring for regular mathematicians too.
read moreDisclaimer: I am not a physicist. Einstein has discovered that some physical properties are relative. In this blog post I present the conjecture that essentially all physical properties are relative. I do not formulate exact details of this theory, a thing which…
read moreI have sent my book “Algebraic General Topology. Volume 1” to EMS Monograph Award competition, which provides a 10000 EUR prize for best math research monograph. I hope to win the prize and also to publish my book with EMS. While the…
read moreToday I release the first complete (not partial) draft of my book “Algebraic General Topology. Volume 1”. This draft is very rough yet however and needs much editing both for error checking and for greater clarity. It is also possible that I…
read moreThe current draft (PDF) of the book “Algebraic General Topology. Volume 1” contains the entire general topology theory which I’ve discovered (so called Algebraic General Topology). Now is a happy day when my entire theory is put into one PDF file (190…
read moreMy partial draft book now contains the theory of funcoids and reloids. You may use this online draft (while I have not yet transferred the copyright) to study my theory of funcoids and reloids. Pointfree funcoids, multidimensional funcoids and staroids presented in…
read moreI have finished writing (but not yet editing and catching errors) of the section “Filters and Filtrators” of my book Algebraic General Topology. Volume 1. Now it is 63 A4 pages. Download it before I transfer copyright to EMS. Please use this…
read moreI created a new draft of my article Multidimensional Funcoids article, which is probably has become readable now. Nevertheless there may be many errors yet. Now I am going to concentrate my efforts into putting my research in a book form for…
read moreI’ve made a change in terminology in my draft article Multidimensional funcoids: multifuncoid → staroid. I now use the term “multifuncoid” in an other sense. I made the change of the terminology in order for the meaning of the term “multifuncoid” to…
read moreWith subatomic products first mentioned here and described in this article are related the following conjecture (or being precise three conjectures): Conjecture For every funcoid $latex f: \prod A\rightarrow\prod B$ (where $latex A$ and $latex B$ are indexed families of sets) there…
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