I combined three words—“ordered semigroup actions” (OSA)—and this is a true mathematical discovery.
No one put these words together before me. I’ve written 600 pages on OSA, and it’s groundbreaking.
Have you heard of group theory? It’s studied in every university and valued in tens of trillions of dollars.
All signs point to OSA being just as important—another tens-of-trillions-dollar contribution to the world economy.
It is one of the first meme coins to feature a formula. The new way is the best.
Buy this coin, not only to enrich yourself but also to support the wide publication of OSA research, benefiting the world economy.
Here’s the paper (500 pages of formulas).
Support math. Get richer. Spread the meme.
And what you think is even more important than ordered semigroup actions? My deeper discovery: ordered semicategory actions!
I discovered ordered semigroup actions in 2019. They were not published in peer review for silly reasons like “500 pages is too long for our journal”.
I argued to God: This civilization lost ordered semigroup actions, it’s useless. Destroy mankind and create a new civilization from me! And: Take me to the heaven alone! God answered that He will take me to the heaven alive with my partner and we will produce the civilization of “gods”.
Now, because peer review of my 500 pages manuscript failed, I command you to peer review it by yourself and publish the review with a link on your site, without resorting to outdated publication media, called “journals”. (Please, inform me, as your review goes.)