Two new chapters in my math draft

I’ve added chapters “Cartesian closedness” and “Singularities” (from the site which will be closed soon) to volume 2 draft. Both chapters are very rough draft and present not rigorous proofs but rough ideas.

My article is ignored

The journal European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics has accepted my  article after a peer review and asked me to send it in their LaTeX format. I had a hyperref trouble with my LaTeX file. So I’ve said them that I  withdraw my article. But later I realized that the best thing I can […]

Common generalizations of convergences and funcoids

I am reading the book “Convergence Foundations of Topology” by Szymon Dolecki and Frédéric Mynard. (Well, I am more skimming than reading, I may read it more carefully in the future.) After reading about a half of the book, I tried to integrate my theory of funcoids with their theory of convergences. And I noticed, […]

Sets of integral curves described in topological terms

I (with some twist) described the set of $latex C^1$ integral curves for a given vector field in purely topological terms (well, I describe it not in terms of topological spaces, but in terms of funcoids, more abstract objects than topological spaces). From this PDF file: Theorem $latex f$ is a reparametrized integral curve for […]

Filter rebase generalized

I have re-defined filter rebase. Now it is defined for arbitrary filter $latex \mathcal{A}$ on some set $latex \mathrm{Base}(\mathcal{A})$ and arbitrary set $latex A$. The new definition is: $latex \mathcal{A}\div A = \{ X\in\mathscr{P}A \mid \exists Y\in\mathcal{A}: Y\cap A\subseteq X \}$. It is shown that for the special case of $latex \forall X\in\mathcal{A}:X\subseteq A$ the […]

Directed topological spaces and funcoids

I have researched relations between directed topological spaces and pair of funcoids. Here the first funcoid represents topology and the second one represents direction. Results are mainly negative: Not every directed topological space can be represented as a pair of funcoids. Different pairs of a topological space and its subfuncoid may generate the same directed […]

A funcoid related to directed topological spaces

The following problem arose from my attempt to re-express directed topological spaces in terms of funcoids. Conjecture Let $latex R$ be the complete funcoid corresponding to the usual topology on extended real line $latex [-\infty,+\infty] = \mathbb{R}\cup\{-\infty,+\infty\}$. Let $latex \geq$ be the order on this set. Then $latex R\sqcap^{\mathsf{FCD}}\mathord{\geq}$ is a complete funcoid.

Two equivalent conjectures

I have added to my book a short proof that the following two conjectures are equivalent: Conjecture $latex \mathrm{Compl}\,f \sqcap \mathrm{Compl}\,g = \mathrm{Compl}(f\sqcap g)$ for every reloids $latex f$ and $latex g$. Conjecture Meet of every two complete reloids is complete.

A new conjecture

While writing my book I overlooked to consider the following statement: Conjecture $latex f \sqcap \bigsqcup S = \bigsqcup \langle f \sqcap \rangle^{\ast} S$ for principal funcoid $latex f$ and a set $latex S$ of funcoids of appropriate sources and destinations.