Going from Permutation Groups to Spaces-in-General

I’ve found something interesting: Having a permutation group (in a set of permutation groups, such as the set of all (small) Euclidean spaces), we apparently can construct a space-in-general (as spaces are defined in this work): Let $latex \pi$ be a set of permutation groups $\latex G$ (on set $latex M_G$). For spaces such as […]

I forgot about theorem of Newton-Leibniz

I my book discontinuous analysis I forgot about Newton-Leibniz theorem, despite of claiming generalizing an entire Analysis I course for a discontinuous case. The answer is simple: Newton-Leibniz theorem in discontinuous analysis is simply Newton-Leibniz theorem on the space SUPER(X), where X is the base space (such as real numbers).

Stop Crying That Peer Review Doesn’t Work

PhDs, professors, everybody “cries” that peer review doesn’t work well. Professors, you are idiots! There is an easy way to fix peer review, and for this you need only think “We can.”: Found a math article on the Web? Review it and send the signed review letter to the author, for him to link to […]

How We Lost Most of Mathematics

In Israel a very important event happened, but it was unnoticed. In 2019 I discovered ordered semigroup actions (and ordered semicategory actions). I am (almost) the first human who put together these three words “ordered semigroup actions” (there is a decades old article with these words, but there they are no properly defined). There were […]

How to Prepare to An Efficient NP-Complete Algorithm

Previously, I published an article claiming that publishing an efficient NP-complete algorithm would kill mankind in a few months. In this article I will consider this scenario and mitigation in more details. I write this, because I recently self-published and submitted to a prestigious math journal my proof of P=NP (by the way, check it for errors). It […]

A new characterization of complete funcoids

I’ve proved today (the proof is surprisingly simple) that a funcoid $latex f$ is complete, if and only if $latex f\circ \bigcup K=\bigcup_{g\in K}(f\circ g)$ for any set $latex K$ of funcoids. Moreover, $latex K$ can be restricted to only principal funcoids without loss of equivalency. See Algebraic Theory of General Topology.

Israel policeman who is a climate denier and facts

The attached audio contains screaming replicas of a usual climate denier [the police woman] and proves that despite of the widespread wrong opinion that Israel exists, it does not exist.Please hear to the end, it contains personal information.Accordingly your morality, should everybody who ignores this story die or not? [I was a little inexact: the […]

Time machines, quantum mechanics, and word of God

I claim that the basic ideas of Judea-Christian (and apparently Muslim, too) religion of tbe holy book and God acting in the universe has a consistent and beautiful scientific explanation (in the assumption of highly capable reasonable life in cosmos and of possibility of time travel). This explanation also endorses Shumerian legends about annuaks as […]

Improving NP-complete algorithms

Suppose we have an (efficient) NP-complete algorithm. I remind that proving a provable theorem isn’t an NP problem, because there are theorems whose shortest proof is of super-exponential length. However, finding a proof that is below a given “threshold” length is an NP-complete problem. Suppose our NP-complete algorithm is fixed. How to improve it’s ability […]

[ERRONEOUS] A proof of P=NP using a Merkle tree – a new version

I’ve produced a short and much elementary proof of P=NP (without an efficient algorithm presented). I sent it to a reputable CS journal and insofar there were no errors noticed by the editor. Here is an updated version of my proof with some errors corrected: p=np-merkle.pdf In more details (and some errors corrected): Yet a […]