I denote s(X) the size of data X (in bits). I denote execution time of an algorithm A as t(A,X). Using a Merkle tree technology similar to one of the Cartesi crypto (but with a true random number generator, and possibly the…

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Lemme model what happens if somebody finds an efficient NP-complete algorithm. In layman terms (you are now studying things like this in the university, so you will soon know the formulas) an efficient NP-complete algorithm is: an algorithm that reaches any given…

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I’ve found (and proved) an algorithm that is NP-complete in the assumption that P=NP. In other words, if P=NP has a positive solution, my algorithm is its solution. I was kinda afraid if I already have almost solved P=NP as an easy…

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Describes the new political (economical) ideology under the contingent name social crypto libertarianism or left crypto libertarianism (Note that it is not social, not left, and not libertarianism, I call it so for lack of more suitable words.) and the practical steps of how to implant this concept into modern economy. You are offered to participate in the experiment volunteering or for a reward.

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I wrote two emails to mathematician Timothy Chow: — Hello, I wrote https://math.portonvictor.org/2020/08/29/three-criminal-mathematicians-should-visit-a-psychiatrist/ without prior noticing that you a are Christian. Later I found this and then remembered words of Jesus: “If a brother sins against you… say him… if he says…

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Noah Schweber, Timothy Chow, Jeremy Rickard. These criminal mathematicians should visit a psychiatrist: In response to this MathOverflow question I posted the following answer: I, Victor Porton, am an amateur (having no paper diploma) mathematician who discovered: algebraic general topology (including general topology of…

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As I first told in this blog post, I registered marriage in Kenya with Victoria Amunga. We conflicted and recently I filed to a Russian court the request to nullify the marriage as fake because she does not help me as a…

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