A new theorem about generalized continuity

I had this theorem in mind for a long time, but formulated it exactly and proved only yesterday. Theorem $latex f \in \mathrm{C} (\mu \circ \mu^{- 1} ; \nu \circ \nu^{- 1}) \Leftrightarrow f \in \mathrm{C} (\mu; \nu)$ for complete endofuncoids $latex \mu$, $latex \nu$ and principal monovalued and entirely defined funcoid $latex f \in […]

A new easy theorem

I added a new easy to prove proposition to my book: Proposition An endofuncoid $latex f$ is $latex T_{1}$-separable iff $latex \mathrm{Cor}\langle f\rangle^{\ast}\{x\}\sqsubseteq\{x\}$ for every $latex x\in\mathrm{Ob}\, f$.

A vaguely formulated problem

Consider funcoid $latex \mathrm{id}^{\mathsf{FCD}}_{\Omega}$ (restricted identity funcoids on Frechet filter on some infinite set). Naturally $latex 1\in\mathrm{up}\, \mathrm{id}^{\mathsf{FCD}}_{\Omega}$ (where $latex 1$ is the identity morphism). But it also holds $latex \top^{\mathsf{FCD}}\setminus 1\in\mathrm{up}\, \mathrm{id}^{\mathsf{FCD}}_{\Omega}$ (where $latex 1$ is the identity morphism). This result is not hard to prove but quite counter-intuitive (that is is a paradox). […]

A new mapping from funcoids to reloids

Less than a hour ago I discovered a new mapping from funcoids to reloids: Definition $latex (\mathsf{RLD})_X f = \bigsqcap \left\{ g \in \mathsf{RLD} \mid (\mathsf{FCD}) g \sqsupseteq f \right\}$ for every funcoid $latex f$. Now I am going to work on the following conjectures: Conjecture $latex (\mathsf{RLD})_X f = \min \left\{ g \in \mathsf{RLD} […]

Virtual mathematics conferences opened!

I have just created a new wiki Web site, which is a virtual math conference, just like a real math meeting but running all the time (not say once per two years). https://conference.portonvictor.org Please spread the word that we have a new kind of math conference. Please post references to your articles, videos, slides, etc.

New proof of Urysohn’s lemma

I present a new proof of Urysohn’s lemma. Well, not quite: my proof is dependent on an unproved conjecture. Currently my proof is present in this PDF file. The proof uses theory of funcoids.

A math question

What are necessary and sufficient conditions for $latex \mathrm{up}\, f$ to be a filter for a funcoid $latex f$?

New easy theorem and its consequence

I’ve added to my book a new easy to prove theorem and its corollary: Theorem If $latex f$ is a (co-)complete funcoid then $latex \mathrm{up}\, f$ is a filter. Corollary If $latex f$ is a (co-)complete funcoid then $latex \mathrm{up}\, f = \mathrm{up} (\mathsf{RLD})_{\mathrm{out}} f$. If $latex f$ is a (co-)complete reloid then $latex \mathrm{up}\, […]

A new conjecture

While writing my book I forgot to settle the following conjecture: Conjecture $latex \forall H \in \mathrm{up} (g \circ f) \exists F \in \mathrm{up}\, f, G \in \mathrm{up}\, g : H \sqsupseteq G \circ F$ for every composable funcoids $latex f$ and $latex g$. Note that the similar statement about reloids is quite obvious.