Just a few minutes ago I’ve formulated a new important conjecture about funcoids:

Let $latex A$, $latex B$ be sets.

Conjecture Funcoids $latex f$ from $latex A$ to $latex B$ bijectively corresponds to the sets $latex R$ of pairs
$latex (\mathcal{X}; \mathcal{Y})$ of filters (on $latex A$ and $latex B$ correspondingly) that

  1. $latex R$ is nonempty.
  2. $latex R$ is a lower set.
  3. $latex R$ (ordered pointwise) is a dcpo

by the mutually inverse formulas:
$latex (\mathcal{X} ; \mathcal{Y}) \in R \Leftrightarrow \mathcal{X} \times^{\mathsf{FCD}} \mathcal{Y} \sqsubseteq f \quad \mathrm{and} \quad f = \bigsqcup^{\mathsf{FCD}} \left\{ \mathcal{X} \times^{\mathsf{FCD}} \mathcal{Y} \mid (\mathcal{X} ; \mathcal{Y}) \in R \right\}$.

4 Responses

  1. Oh, a trivial counter-example: $latex f = ([0 ; 2] \times [0 ; 1]) \cup ([0 ; 1] \times [0 ; 2])$. I will try to figure another axioms.

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