A wiki about applying generalized limit to singularities theory

I have created a wiki about development of theory of singularities using generalized limits. Please read my book (where among other I define generalized limits) and then participate in this research wiki. Study singularities in this novel approach and share Nobel Prize with me!

My article has been accepted for publication

Today I’ve received email saying that my article “Funcoids and Reloids: a Generalization of Proximities and Uniformities” has been accepted for publication in European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. See also the preprint of this article.

A new proposition about infimum product

I’ve proved a new simple proposition about infimum product: Theorem Let $latex \pi^X_i$ be metamonovalued morphisms. If $latex S \in \mathscr{P} ( \mathsf{FCD} ( A_0 ; B_0) \times \mathsf{FCD} ( A_1 ; B_1))$ for some sets $latex A_0$, $latex B_0$, $latex A_1$, $latex B_1$ then $latex \bigsqcap \left\{ a \times b \,|\, ( a ; […]

Some new minor results

I’ve proved: $latex \bigsqcap \langle \mathcal{A} \times^{\mathsf{RLD}} \rangle T = \mathcal{A} \times^{\mathsf{RLD}} \bigsqcap T$ if $latex \mathcal{A}$ is a filter and $latex T$ is a set of filters with common base. $latex \bigsqcup \left\{ \mathcal{A} \times^{\mathsf{RLD}} \mathcal{B} \hspace{1em} | \hspace{1em} \mathcal{B} \in T \right\} \neq \mathcal{A} \times^{\mathsf{RLD}} \bigsqcup T$ for some filter $latex T$ and […]

Some new simple theorems about funcoids and reloids

I’ve proved the following statements (and put them in my book): Domain of funcoids preserves joins. Image of funcoids preserves joins. Domain of reloids preserves joins. Image of reloids preserves joins. I’ve proved it using Galois connections.

My gibberish with partial proofs

I’ve put online my gibberish with partial proofs and proof attempts of my open problems. You can see the PDF file with this gibberish. Please write me (either by email or by blog comments) if you solve anything of this.

Co-equalizers and arbitrary co-limits exist in categories Fcd and Rld

I’ve uploaded a new version of my article “Equalizers and co-Equalizers in Certain Categories” (a very rough draft). In it is proved (among other) that arbitrary equalizers and co-equalizers of categories Fcd and Rld (continuous maps between endofuncoids and endoreloids) exist. I’ve proved earlier that in these categories there exist products and co-products. So now […]

Equalizers in certain categories

In this my rough draft article I construct equalizers for certain categories (such as the category of continuous maps between endofuncoids). Products and co-products were already proved to exist in my categories, so these categories are complete. In the above mentioned article I also claim co-equalizers (however have not yet proved that they are really […]