Errors corrected in article “Connectedness of funcoids and reloids”
I have said that there were several errors in my draft article “Connectedness of funcoids and reloids” at Algebraic General Topology site. I have corrected the errors, but now some of what were erroneous theorems downgraded to the status of conjecture.
Errors in my draft article “Connectedness of funcoids and reloids”
In my draft article “Connectedness of funcoids and reloids” at Algebraic General Topology site I found several serious errors. Sorry, I will correct these at some time in the future. (I don’t know how much time will take to find correct proofs of the corrected theorems.) Now I just wrote on the site that it […]
Filters submitted to Documenta Mathematica journal
I sent my preprint of the article “Filters on Posets and Generalizations” to Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques math journal but so far received no reply. So I sent it to an other journal, Documenta Mathematica.
On the definition of compact funcoids
[I found that my computations below are erroneous, namely $latex \mathrm{Cor} \langle f^{-1}\rangle \mathcal{F} \neq \langle \mathrm{CoCompl} f^{-1}\rangle \mathcal{F}$ in general (the equality holds when $latex \mathcal{F}$ is a set).]
An erroneos theorem (now a conjecture)
In my Algebraic General Topology series was a flaw in the proof of the following theorem. So I re-labeled it as a conjecture. Conjecture A filter $latex \mathcal{A}$ is connected regarding a reloid $latex f$ iff it is connected regarding the funcoid $latex (\mathrm{FCD})f$. Other theorems in my manuscripts are not affected by this error.
Article sent to an other journal
My submission to Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques math journal was rejected saying that my article is not in the scope of their journal. This is strange because their Web page says “the Bulletin publishes original articles covering all branches of pure mathematics” and my article indeed is original and belongs to pure mathematics. Nevertheless I […]
Funcoids and Reloids updated – complete reloids
I updated online article “Funcoids and Reloids”. The main feature of this update is new section about complete reloids and completion of reloids (with a bunch of new open problems). Also added some new theorems in the section “Completion of funcoids”.
Funcoids and Reloids – updated
I updated my online article “Funcoids and Reloids”. Now it contains materials which previously were in separate articles: Partially ordered dagger categories; Generalized continuity, which generalizes continuity, proximity continuity, and uniform continuity.
Funcoids and Reloids – completion
I updated the online article “Funcoids and Reloids”. The main feature of this update is introduction of the concepts completion and co-completion of funcoids and some related theorems. The question whether meet (on the lattice of funcoids) of two discrete funcoids is discrete solved positively.
Conjecture solved and submitted to a journal
First, I solved this conjecture and updated the preprint about filters adding new section “Fréchet filter” which contains the proof of the above mentioned conjecture. Second I submitted this preprint to Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques math journal via email to the secretary. I have earlier submitted it to the journal editor V.I. Arnold but he […]