Limit of Discontinuous Function
No root of -1? No limit of discontinuous function? Like as once roots were generalized for negative numbers, I succeeded to generalize limits for arbitrary discontinuous functions. The formula of limit of discontinuous function is based on algebraic general topology, my generalization of general topology in an algebraic way. The formula that defines limit of […]
The book “Algebraic General Topology” published officially
After a long time of being an unaccepted genius, the first volume of my book Algebraic General Topology is published officially (by the biggest Russian science publisher INFRA-M). The most general in general topology and algebraic theory, generalization of limit for multivalued discontinuous functions, algebraic formula of continuity (for multivalued functions), common theory of calculus […]
Monograph “Algebraic General Topology. Volume 1” sent for publication
I’ve sent the final version of the first edition of my research monograph Algebraic General Topology. Volume 1 to Russian publisher INFRA-M and signed the publication contract. They are going to publish my book electronically. They also asked to send them a Russian translation of my book to publish both in print and electronically. The […]
Algebraic General Topology. Volume 1 updated
The online book Algebraic General Topology. Volume 1 was updated. The update corrects a few errors in the section “Equivalent filters and rebase of filters” (which was previously marked as unchecked for errors).
The organization EULER Foundation is discriminatory
The organization EULER Foundation and personally their president Vostokov Sergey Vladimirovich are discriminatory. Moreover as they accept donations from general public, they are cheaters because they don’t warn the donors that their money is going to be used discriminatory. They say on their site that they help to mathematicians and their family members in need. […]
I am a genius that is all the rest are idiots (an article with too simple math formulas)
I made several scientific discoveries (mainly in abstract mathematics but also in XML files processing). I claim to be a genius based on this fact. But what I mean saying “I am a genius”? I mean just that all the rest experts showed themselves… idiots. Most of the formulas are too simple. Nobody guessed, nobody […]
Sorry for an offtopic: Research in human rights
Sorry for an offtopic for a math blog: I have started a unique experiment in human rights: Can human rights be accomplished in the modern world? Are geniuses deprived in rights compared to common people? Can rights of a person with opinions contrary to the society be accomplished? Is importance of a lawsuit a factor […]
Second court request
Because Kirovskiy district court of Perm city completely illegally ignored my claim during the 5 days it must answer. I send the claim to another court, Tverskoy district court of Moscow. In order to check if the ignoring of the lawsuit is due its high importance, I have removed all references to trillions of dollars. […]
A disabled mathematician was severely discriminated against in Russia
When I was a teenager, I decided that I must greet everyone with words like “I am a sectarian and a religions fanatic”. Sectarians are hated in Russia just like Jews in fascist Germany. As a result people didn’t spoke with me and I was unable to buy and sell. So I even ate grass […]
Please nominate me for Doob Prize in mathematics
Please nominate my math research book (can be easily read by every mathematician) for Doob Prize. All necessary information can be found at this page at Terry Tao’s blog and subcomments. And yes, my book is worth prize.