A new theorem proved

I have proved $latex (\mathsf{RLD})_{\mathrm{in}} \Omega^{\mathsf{FCD}} = \Omega^{\mathsf{RLD}}$ (where $latex \Omega^{\mathsf{FCD}}$ is a cofinite funcoid and $latex \Omega^{\mathsf{RLD}}$ is a cofinite reloid that is reloid defined by a cofinite filter). The proof is currently available in this draft. Note that in the previous draft there was a wrong formula for $latex (\mathsf{RLD})_{\mathrm{in}} \Omega^{\mathsf{FCD}}$.

A typo in my math book

I’ve found a typo in my math book. I confused existential quantifiers with universal quantifiers in the section “Second product. Oblique product” in the chapter “Counter-examples about funcoids and reloids”.

Generalized cofinite filters

I have described generalized cofinite filters (including the “cofinite funcoid”). See the draft at http://www.math.portonvictor.org/binaries/addons.pdf

A new diagram about funcoids and reloids

Define for posets with order $latex \sqsubseteq$: $latex \Phi_{\ast} f = \lambda b \in \mathfrak{B}: \bigsqcup \{ x \in \mathfrak{A} \mid f x \sqsubseteq b \}$; $latex \Phi^{\ast} f = \lambda b \in \mathfrak{A}: \bigsqcap \{ x \in \mathfrak{B} \mid f x \sqsupseteq b \}$. Note that the above is a generalization of monotone Galois […]

A new kind of product of funcoids

The following is one of a few (possibly non-equivalent) definitions of products of funcoids: Definition Let $latex f$ be an indexed family of funcoids. Let $latex \mathcal{F}$ be a filter on $latex \mathrm{dom}\, f$. $latex a \mathrel{\left[ \prod^{[\mathcal{F}]} f \right]} b \Leftrightarrow \exists N \in \mathcal{F} \forall i \in N : \mathrm{Pr}^{\mathsf{RLD}}_i\, a \mathrel{[f_i]} \mathrm{Pr}^{\mathsf{RLD}}_i\, […]

A different definition of product of funcoids

Definition $latex a \mathrel{\left[ \prod^{(A 2)} f \right]} b \Leftrightarrow \exists M \in \mathrm{fin} \forall i \in (\mathrm{dom}\, f) \setminus M : \Pr^{\mathsf{RLD}}_i a \mathrel{[f_i]} \Pr^{\mathsf{RLD}}_i b$ for an indexed family $latex f$ of funcoids and atomic reloids $latex a$ and $latex b$ of suitable form. Here $latex M \in \mathrm{fin}$ means that $latex M$ […]