Responses to some accusations against style of my exposition

This is a very short addition to my book, in response to a person who criticized my style. He may be partly right, but: The proofs are generally hard to follow and unpleasant to read as they are just a bunch of equations thrown at you, without motivation or underlying reasoning, etc. I don’t think […]

Offtopic: Formalized Gospel theology

This is partly an offtopic post in my math blog. It seems likely that I discovered a category in which such objects as the Father and the Son from the Gospel appear. I am not sure I really discovered God, but this seems likely. Consider a category (there seems to be multiple ways to add […]

My old files related with math logic

In 2005 year I put online some math articles related with formulas and math logic (despite I am not a professional logician). In 2005 I like a crackpot thought that I discovered a completely new math method replacing axiomatic method. This was a huge error (my skipped proof was just wrong). After that the files […]

Please nominate me for Breakthrough Prize in mathematics

Please read my math research and decide if it is worth the prize. If you consider my research worth the prize, please nominate me. Nominations for the Breakthrough Prize and New Horizons Prize in mathematics are now open. The Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics is a $3,000,000 prize for transformative breakthrough(s) in mathematics, with special attention […]

Two kinds of generalization

I noticed that there are two different things in mathematics both referred as “generalization”. The first is like replacing real numbers with complex numbers, that is replacing a set in consideration with its superset. The second is like replacing a metric space with its topology, that is abstracting away some properties. Why are both called with […]

I replaced semicolons with commas

I’ve released my math research book and all supplementary materials free with semicolons replaced with commas to denote tuples: $latex (a;b)$ → $latex (a,b)$, in order to comply with usual math notation of other mathematicians.

A new little theorem (Galois connections)

I’ve added the following to my research book: Definition Galois surjection is the special case of Galois connection such that $latex f^{\ast} \circ f_{\ast} $ is identity. Proposition For Galois surjection $latex \mathfrak{A} \rightarrow \mathfrak{B}$ such that $latex \mathfrak{A}$ is a join-semilattice we have (for every $latex y \in \mathfrak{B}$) $latex f_{\ast} y = \max […]