Strong vs weak partitioning – counterexample

My problem whether weak partitioning and strong partitioning of a complete lattice are the same was solved by counter-example by François G. Dorais. Remains open whether strong and weak partitioning of a filter object is the same.

Chain-meet-closed sets on complete lattices

Let $latex \mathfrak{A}$ is a complete lattice. I will call a filter base a nonempty subset $latex T$ of $latex \mathfrak{A}$ such that $latex \forall a,b\in T\exists c\in T: (c\le a\wedge c\le b)$. I will call a chain (on $latex \mathfrak{A}$) a linearly ordered subset of $latex \mathfrak{A}$. Now as a part my research of […]

Complete lattice generated by a partitioning – finite meets

I conjectured certain formula for the complete lattice generated by a strong partitioning of an element of complete lattice. Now I have found a beautiful proof of a weaker statement than this conjecture. (Well, my proof works only in the case of distributive lattices, but the case of non-distributive lattices is outside of my research […]

Complete lattice generated by a partitioning of a lattice element

In this post I defined strong partitioning of an element of a complete lattice. For me it was seeming obvious that the complete lattice generated by the set $latex S$ where $latex S$ is a strong partitioning is equal to $latex \left\{ \bigcup{}^{\mathfrak{A}}X | X\in\mathscr{P}S \right\}$. But when I actually tried to write down the […]