Polymath problem: Difference of two filters

My open problem first published in this my blog post (about pair-wise equality of four different expressions for differences of two filters) may be considered to be the next polymath problem. Well, I realize that this may problem may be not ideal for polymath, because to approach a solution of this problem not inventing my […]

Complete lattice generated by a partitioning of a lattice element

In this post I defined strong partitioning of an element of a complete lattice. For me it was seeming obvious that the complete lattice generated by the set $latex S$ where $latex S$ is a strong partitioning is equal to $latex \left\{ \bigcup{}^{\mathfrak{A}}X | X\in\mathscr{P}S \right\}$. But when I actually tried to write down the […]

Proposal: Filters on Posets and Generalizations

I propose to collaboratively finish writing my manuscript “Filters on Posets and Generalizations” which should become the exhaustive reference text about filters on posets, filters on lattices, and generalizations thereof. I have setup this wiki for this purpose.