For filters on sets defined equivalence relation being isomorphic.

Posed some open problems like this: are every two nontrivial ultrafilters isomorphic?

For any function $latex f : A \rightarrow B$ we’ll define the function $latex \left\langle f \right\rangle : \mathscr{P} A \rightarrow \mathscr{P} B$ by the formula (for any set $latex X$): $latex \left\langle f \right\rangle X = \left\{ f x | x \in X \right\}. $

I call filters $latex a$ and $latex b$ directly isomorphic when there are a bijection $latex f : \bigcup a \rightarrow \bigcup b$ such that $latex \left\langle f \right\rangle |_a$ is a bijection from $latex a$ to $latex b$.

Let $latex U$, $latex W$ are sets. Let $latex \mathscr{P} U$ and $latex \mathscr{P} W$ are the lattices of all subsets of these sets. Let $latex a$ and $latex b$ are filters on the lattices $latex \mathscr{P} U$ and $latex \mathscr{P} W$ correspondingly. I will call filters $latex a$ and $latex b$ isomorphic when there exist sets $latex A \in a$ and $latex B \in b$ such that filters $latex a \cap \mathscr{P} A$ and $latex b \cap \mathscr{P} B$ are directly isomorphic.

Obvious. Filters $latex a$ and $latex b$ are isomorphic iff there exist sets $latex A \in a$ and $latex B \in b$ such that there are a bijection $latex f : A \rightarrow B$ such that $latex \left\langle f \right\rangle |_{a \cap \mathscr{P} A}$ is a bijection from $latex a \cap \mathscr{P} A$ to $latex b \cap \mathscr{P} B$.

It seems that there exist a simpler definition of isomorphic filters in terms of reloids, but that stumbles on some open problems about reloids.

If two filters are directly isomorphic then they are isomorphic.

Take $latex A = \bigcup a$, $latex B = \bigcup b$. Then $latex a \cap \mathscr{P} A = a$ and $latex b \cap \mathscr{P} B = b$.

Let $latex \mathscr{P} U$ is the lattice of all subsets of some set $latex U$. Then there are isomorphic filters on $latex \mathscr{P} U$ which are not directly isomorphic.

Consider two filters on $latex \mathbb{N}$: $latex a = \left\{ \mathbb{N} \right\}$, $latex b = \left\{ \mathbb{N} \setminus \left\{ 0 \right\}, \mathbb{N} \right\}$. There are no bijection from $latex a$ to $latex b$ because $latex \mathrm{card} a \neq \mathrm{card} b$. So $latex a$ and $latex b$ are not directly isomorphic.

Now let $latex A = \mathbb{N}$, $latex B = \mathbb{N} \setminus \left\{ 0 \right\}$ and $latex f : A \rightarrow B$ is defined by the formula $latex f x = x + 1$. Then $latex a \cap \mathscr{P} A = \left\{ \mathbb{N} \right\}$ and $latex b \cap \mathscr{P} B = \left\{ \mathbb{N} \setminus \left\{ 0 \right\} \right\}$; $latex f$ is a bijection from $latex A$ to $latex B$ and $latex \left\langle f \right\rangle |_{a \cap \mathscr{P} A} = \left\langle f \right\rangle |_{\left\{ \mathbb{N} \right\}}$ is a bijection from $latex a \cap \mathscr{P} A$ to $latex b \cap \mathscr{P} B$. So $latex a \cap \mathscr{P} A$ and $latex b \cap \mathscr{P} B$ are directly isomorphic, that is $latex a$ and $latex b$ are isomorphic filters.

Being directly isomorphic for filters is an equivalence relation.


Let $latex a$ is a filter on some set $latex A$. Then the identity function $latex \mathrm{Id}_A$ is a bijection from $latex \bigcup a$ to $latex \bigcup a$. Evidently $latex \left\langle \mathrm{Id}_A \right\rangle |_a$ is a bijection from $latex a$ to $latex a$. So $latex a$ and $latex a$ are directly isomorphic.
Let filters $latex a$ and $latex b$ are directly isomorphic. Then exists a bijection $latex f : \bigcup a \rightarrow \bigcup b$ such that $latex \left\langle f \right\rangle |_a$ is a bijection from $latex a$ to $latex b$. $latex f^{- 1} : \bigcup b \rightarrow \bigcup a$ is a bijection. To finish the proof it is enough to show that $latex \left\langle f^{- 1} \right\rangle |_b$ is a bijection from $latex b$ to $latex a$. First $latex \left\langle f^{- 1} \right\rangle |_b$ is a function with domain $latex b$. Let $latex X, Y \in b$; if $latex X \neq Y$ then $latex \left\langle f^{- 1} \right\rangle X \neq \left\langle f^{- 1} \right\rangle Y$ because $latex f^{- 1}$ is a bijection, consequently $latex \left\langle f^{- 1} \right\rangle |_b X \neq \left\langle f^{- 1} \right\rangle |_b Y$. So $latex \left\langle f^{- 1} \right\rangle |_b$ is an injection. Let $latex X \in a$; then $latex \left\langle f \right\rangle X \in b$ that is $latex \left\langle f \right\rangle X = Y$ where $latex Y \in b$; $latex X = \left\langle f^{- 1} \right\rangle \left\langle f \right\rangle X = \left\langle f^{- 1} \right\rangle Y = \left\langle f^{- 1} \right\rangle |_b Y$; that is $latex \left\langle f^{- 1} \right\rangle |_b$ is a function onto $latex a$. So $latex \left\langle f^{- 1} \right\rangle |_b$ is a bijection from $latex b$ to $latex a$. Hence $latex b$ and $latex a$ are directly isomorphic.
Let filters $latex a$ and $latex b$ are directly isomorphic and filters $latex b$ and $latex c$ are directly isomorphic. Then exist bijections $latex f : \bigcup a \rightarrow \bigcup b$ and $latex g : \bigcup b \rightarrow \bigcup c$ such that $latex \left\langle f \right\rangle |_a$ is a bijection from $latex a$ to $latex b$ and $latex \left\langle g \right\rangle |_b$ is a bijection from $latex b$ to $latex c$. The function $latex g \circ f$ is a bijection from $latex \bigcup a$ to $latex \bigcup c$. We have $latex \left\langle g \circ f \right\rangle |_a = \left\langle g \right\rangle \circ \left\langle f \right\rangle |_a = \left\langle g \right\rangle |_b \circ \left\langle f \right\rangle |_a$ is a bijection as a composition of two bijections. So filters $latex a$ and $latex c$ are directly isomorphic.

If $latex a \cap \mathscr{P} A$ and $latex b \cap \mathscr{P} B$ are directly isomorphic, then for any $latex A’ \in a \cap \mathscr{P} A$ there exists $latex B’ \in b \cap \mathscr{P} B$ such that $latex a \cap \mathscr{P} A’$ and $latex b \cap \mathscr{P} B’$ are directly isomorphic.

Let $latex a \cap \mathscr{P} A$ and $latex b \cap \mathscr{P} B$ are directly isomorphic; let $latex A’ \in a \cap \mathscr{P} A$. Then there are a bijection $latex f : A \rightarrow B$ such that $latex \left\langle f \right\rangle |_{a \cap \mathscr{P} A}$ is a bijection from $latex a \cap \mathscr{P} A$ to $latex b \cap \mathscr{P} B$. $latex a \cap \mathscr{P} A’ \subseteq a \cap \mathscr{P} A$; hence $latex \left\langle f \right\rangle |_{a \cap \mathscr{P} A’}$ is an injection defined on the set $latex a \cap \mathscr{P} A’$. Let $latex B’ = \left\langle f \right\rangle A’$. We have $latex B’ \subseteq B$. Let $latex Y \in b \cap \mathscr{P} B’$; then $latex Y \in b \cap \mathscr{P} B$; by definition of directly isomorphic exists $latex X \in a \cap \mathscr{P} A$ such that $latex \left\langle f \right\rangle X = Y$. We have $latex X \subseteq A’$ because $latex Y \subseteq B’$ and because $latex f$ is a bijection. So $latex X \in a \cap \mathscr{P} A’$. Thus $latex \left\langle f \right\rangle |_{a \cap \mathscr{P} A’}$ is a function onto $latex b \cap \mathscr{P} B’$. So $latex \left\langle f \right\rangle |_{a \cap \mathscr{P} A’}$ is a bijection.

Being isomorphic for filters is an equivalence relation.


Let $latex a$ is a filter. Let $latex A = \bigcup a$. Then $latex a = a \cap \mathscr{P} A$ is directly isomorphic to itself. Consequently $latex a$ is isomorphic to itself.
Let filters $latex a$ and $latex b$ are isomorphic. Then there exist sets $latex A \in a$ and $latex B \in b$ such that filters $latex a \cap \mathscr{P} A$ and $latex b \cap \mathscr{P} B$ are directly isomorphic. By proved above $latex b \cap \mathscr{P} B$ and $latex a \cap \mathscr{P} A$ are directly isomorphic. But this means that $latex b$ and $latex a$ are isomorphic.
Let filters $latex a$ and $latex b$ are isomorphic and filters $latex b$ and $latex c$ are isomorphic. Then $latex a \cap \mathscr{P} A$ and $latex b \cap \mathscr{P} B_1$ are directly isomorphic and $latex b \cap \mathscr{P} B_2$ and $latex c \cap \mathscr{P} C$ are directly isomorphic where $latex A \in a$, $latex B_1, B_2 \in b$, $latex C \in c$. Let $latex B_0 = B_1 \cap B_2$. We have $latex B_0 \in b$. By the lemma (taking in account also symmetry proved above) there exist sets $latex A_0 \in a \cap \mathscr{P} A$ and $latex C_0 \in c \cap \mathscr{P} C$ such that $latex a \cap \mathscr{P} A_0$ and $latex b \cap \mathscr{P} B_0$ are directly isomorphic and $latex b \cap \mathscr{P} B_0$ and $latex c \cap \mathscr{P} C_0$ are directly isomorphic. By transitivity of being direct isomorphic we have that $latex a \cap \mathscr{P} A_0$ and $latex c \cap \mathscr{P} C_0$ are directly isomorphic. Hence $latex a$ and $latex c$ are isomorphic.


  1. Principal filters, generated by sets of the same cardinality, are isomorphic.
  2. If a filter is isomorphic to a principal filter, then it is also a principal filter with the same cardinality of the sets which generate these principal filters.


  1. Let $latex a$ and $latex b$ are principal filters. Let they are generated by the sets $latex A$ and $latex B$ correspondingly where $latex \mathrm{card} A = \mathrm{card} B$. Enough to prove that $latex a \cap \mathscr{P} A$ and $latex b \cap \mathscr{P} B$ are directly isomorphic. But this follows from $latex a \cap \mathscr{P} A = \left\{ A \right\}$ and $latex b \cap \mathscr{P} B = \left\{ B \right\}$ and $latex \mathrm{card} A = \mathrm{card} B$, because any bijection from $latex A$ to $latex B$ sends $latex \left\{ A \right\}$ to $latex \left\{ B \right\}$.
  2. Let $latex a$ is a principal filter generated by a set $latex A$, let $latex b$ is a filter isomorphic to $latex a$. We shall prove that $latex b$ is principal and is generated by a set $latex B$ such that $latex \mathrm{card} B = \mathrm{card} A$. Let $latex A \in a$ and $latex B \in b$ and $latex f$ is a bijection from $latex A$ to $latex B$ such that $latex \left\langle f \right\rangle |_{a \cap \mathscr{P} A}$ is a bijection from $latex a \cap \mathscr{P} A$ to $latex b \cap \mathscr{P} B$. We have $latex b \cap \mathscr{P} B = \left\{ \left\langle f \right\rangle |_{a \cap \mathscr{P} A} X | X \in a \cap \mathscr{P} A \right\} = \left\{ \left\langle f \right\rangle X | X \in a \cap \mathscr{P} A \right\}.$ So $latex b \cap \mathscr{P} B$ has the smallest element $latex \left\langle f \right\rangle A$. Consequently $latex b$ has the smallest element $latex \left\langle f \right\rangle A$ and so $latex b$ is a principal filter generated by the set $latex B = \left\langle f \right\rangle A$ whose cardinality is $latex \mathrm{card} A$.

A filter isomorphic to a nontrivial ultrafilter is a nontrivial ultrafilter.

Let $latex a$ is a nontrivial ultrafilter and let $latex b$ is isomorphic to $latex a$. Then there are sets $latex A \in a$ and $latex B \in b$ and a bijection $latex f : A \rightarrow B$ such that $latex \left\langle f \right\rangle |_{a \cap \mathscr{P} A}$ is a bijection from $latex a \cap \mathscr{P} A$ to $latex b \cap \mathscr{P} B$.

The filter $latex b$ cannot be a trivial ultrafilter because otherwise $latex a$ would be also a principal filter. So it’s enough to prove that $latex b$ is an ultrafilter. We will prove that for any set $latex Y \in \mathscr{P} \bigcup b$ either $latex Y$ or $latex ( \bigcup b) \setminus Y$ is an element of $latex b$.

Let $latex Y \in \mathscr{P} \bigcup b$. Then $latex Y’ = Y \cap B \in \mathscr{P} B$; $latex Y’ = \left\langle f \right\rangle X’$ for some $latex X’ \in \mathscr{P} A$. Because $latex a$ is an ultrafilter, either $latex X’ \in a$ or $latex ( \bigcup a) \setminus X’ \in a$. If $latex X’ \in a$ then $latex X’ \in a \cap \mathscr{P} A$ and so $latex Y’ = \left\langle f \right\rangle X’ = \left\langle f \right\rangle |_{a \cap \mathscr{P} A} X’ \in b \cap \mathscr{P} B$ and consequently $latex Y \in b$. If $latex ( \bigcup a) \setminus X’ \in a$ then $latex A \setminus X’ \in a \cap \mathscr{P} A$; consequently $latex \left\langle f \right\rangle |_{a \cap \mathscr{P} A} (A \setminus X’) \in b \cap \mathscr{P} B$; $latex \left\langle f \right\rangle |_{a \cap \mathscr{P} A} (A) \setminus \left\langle f \right\rangle |_{a \cap \mathscr{P} A} (X’) \in b \cap \mathscr{P} B$; $latex B \setminus Y’ \in b$; $latex ( \bigcup b) \setminus Y \in b.$

And as the culmination of this passage about isomorphic filters, several (related) open problems:

Question. Are any two nontrivial ultrafilters isomorphic?

Question. Are any two nontrivial ultrafilters on the same set directly isomorphic?

Question. Are any two nontrivial ultrafilters on $latex \mathbb{N}$ isomorphic?

Question. Are any two nontrivial ultrafilters on $latex \mathbb{N}$ directly isomorphic?

(These are open problems for me, the author of this text. If someone knowing the solutions of these problems, please contact me.)

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