I am changing my research field

I failed to make progress in research of product of funcoids, the next thing I should research in my research plan. I also fail to solve any of my open problems. Thus my research is stalled. I hope other people can solve the problems I formulated. Due this crisis I decide to change my research […]

Micronization – the first attempt to define

This is my first attempt to define micronization. Definition Let $latex f$ is a binary relation between sets $latex A$ and $latex B$. micronization $latex \mu (f)$ of $latex f$ is the complete funcoid defined by the formula (for every $latex x \in A$) $latex \left\langle \mu (f) \right\rangle \left\{ x \right\} = \bigcap \left\{ […]

Product funcoids – a first messy draft

Product funcoids [outdated link remove] (not a math article but a messy collection of unproved and not exactly formulated statements). This is my first attempt to define product funcoids. There is needed yet much work to rewrite it as a rigorous math text.

The first problem in the chain is solved

I solved the first problem from this blog post (see Funcoids and Reloids article for a solution). It opens the path for solving several other open problems which seem to be its consequences.

Path for solving my open problems

I will outline which open problems follow from other open problems. In this post I don’t enter into gory details how to prove these implications, because these are useless without a prior proof of the main premise. I write these notes just not to be forgotten. It seems that from the first conjecture here follows […]