Funcoids and reloids between arbitrary sets

I decided to rewrite my theory of funcoids and reloids with funcoids and reloids defined between arbitrary sets instead of current theory which describes funcoids and reloids on a fixed set. That way I will make funcoids and reloids into categories with objects being (small) sets and morphisms being funcoids and reloids. That will make […]

“Orderings of filters in terms of reloids” – a formal approach

I updated the draft “Orderings of filters in terms of reloids. Extensions of Rudin-Keisler ordering” at this Web page. In the updated version reloids between different sets (I now call them trans-reloids.) are considered in a formal manner, unlike a somehow informal approach in the previous version of this draft. Instead of proving all properties […]

“Orderings of filters in terms of reloids” – draft updated

I updated the draft “Orderings of filters in terms of reloids. Extensions of Rudin-Keisler ordering” at this Web page. The updated version contains a new theorem (or rather a counter-example) which I proved with the help of Andreas Blass. This version is yet too rough draft and I hope to finish rewriting it in a […]

A new theorem about funcoids and generalizated filter bases

I proved the following theorem: Theorem If $latex S$ is a generalized filter base then $latex \left\langle f \right\rangle \bigcap{\nobreak}^{\mathfrak{F}} S = \bigcap {\nobreak}^{\mathfrak{F}} \left\langle\left\langle f \right\rangle \right\rangle S$ for every funcoid $latex f$. The proof (presented in updated version of this online article) is short but not quite trivial. It was originally formulated as […]

A surprisingly hard problem

I am now trying to prove or disprove this innocently looking but somehow surprisingly hard conjecture: Conjecture If $latex S$ is a generalized filter base then $latex \left\langle f \right\rangle \bigcap{\nobreak}^{\mathfrak{F}} S = \bigcap {\nobreak}^{\mathfrak{F}} \left\langle\left\langle f \right\rangle \right\rangle S$ for every funcoid $latex f$.

My motivation to do math research

In the past I considered my purpose to exactly and directly follow commandments of Bible. I had some purposes hardly set as the aim of my life. My life was driven by these purposes not by my wish or my heart. I understood that it was wrong, Bible is more subtle than just a list […]

Orderings of filters in terms of reloids – online draft

I put a preliminary draft (not yet checked for errors) of the article “Orderings of filters in terms of reloids” at Algebraic General Topology site. The abstract Orderings of filters which extend Rudin-Keisler preorder of ultrafilters are defined in terms of reloids that (roughly speaking) is filters on sets of binary relations between some sets. […]

Two elementary theorems

I proved the following two elementary but useful theorems: Theorem For every funcoids $latex f$, $latex g$: If $latex \mathrm{im}\, f \supseteq \mathrm{im}\, g$ then $latex \mathrm{im}\, (g\circ f) = \mathrm{im}\, g$. If $latex \mathrm{im}\, f \subseteq \mathrm{im}\, g$ then $latex \mathrm{dom}\, (g\circ f) = \mathrm{dom}\, g$. Theorem For every reloids $latex f$, $latex g$: […]

Funcoid corresponding to a monovalued reloid is monovalued

I proved the following simple theorem: 1. $latex (\mathsf{FCD}) f$ is a monovalued funcoid if $latex f$ is a monovalued reloid. 2. $latex (\mathsf{FCD}) f$ is an injective funcoid if $latex f$ is an injective reloid. See online article “Funcoids and Reloids” and this Web page.