An Introduction to Filters—What’s So Special About This Partially Ordered Set?

An Introduction to Filters—What’s So Special About This Partially Ordered Set

AGT isn’t new math that’s intended to replace existing mathematical theory, but rather a novel way to express mathematical concepts which were previously inexpressible. I indulge these ideas because I believe, as is the modus operandi for all academics, that any worthwhile, logically consistent idea must be pursued until it is falsified or verified for […]

What is Algebraic General Topology (Video)

Algebraic general topology – what is it? First, what is a general topology? General topology is the theory of topological spaces, as well as uniform spaces, proximity spaces, and metric spaces. I made a rather big discovery – a general theory that generalizes all these types of spaces in one algebra. That is, instead of […]

Infinitesimal Calculus on the Reverse in my Book “Limit of a Discontinuous Function”

Traditional calculus as first considered in 17th century by Isaac Newton (and Leibniz, however some say Leibniz stole the Newton’s idea) and then 150 years later formalized (formulated correctly) by Cauchy and Weierstrass, uses limits. Initially calculus was called “infinitesimal calculus”, but in recent time the collocation “infinitesimal calculus” is usually used for a more […]

Some Conjectures About Generalized Limits

Continuing my research from general topology monograph Algebraic General Topology, the following new open problems arose: I remind that I define generalized limit of arbitrary function. This limit is defined in terms of funcoids. As I show in the Book 3, Algebra, generalized limit is defined for generalized spaces, for example for reloids. So, how […]

Every Pointfree Funcoid on a Semilattice is an Algebraic Structure

Continuing this blog post: The set of all pointfree funcoids on upper semilattices with least elements is exactly a certain algebraic structure defined by propositional formulas. Really just add the identities defining a pointfree funcoid to the identities of an upper semilattice with least element. I will list the exact list of identities defining a […]

Funcoid is a “Structure” in the Sense of Math Logic

A few seconds ago I realized that certain cases of pointfree funcoids can be described as a structure in the sense of mathematical logic, that is as a finite set of operations and relational symbols. Precisely, if a pointfree funcoid $latex f$ is defined on a lattice (or semilattice) with a least element $latex \bot$, […]