Partitioning of a lattice element: a conjecture

Let $latex \mathfrak{A}$ is a complete lattice. Let $latex a\in\mathfrak{A}$. I will call weak partitioning of $latex a$ a set $latex S\in\mathscr{P}\mathfrak{A}\setminus\{0\}$ such that $latex \bigcup{}^{\mathfrak{A}}S = a \text{ and } \forall x\in S: x\cap^{\mathfrak{A}}\bigcup{}^{\mathfrak{A}}(S\setminus\{x\}) = 0$. I will call strong partitioning of $latex a$ a set $latex S\in\mathscr{P}\mathfrak{A}\setminus\{0\}$ such that $latex \bigcup{}^{\mathfrak{A}}S = a […]

Formalistics of generalization

In the framework of ZF formally considered generalizations, such as whole numbers generalizing natural number, rational numbers generalizing whole numbers, real numbers generalizing rational numbers, complex numbers generalizing real numbers, etc. The formal consideration of this may be especially useful for computer proof assistants.

Proposal: Conjecture about complementive filters

Earlier I proposed finishing writing this manuscript as a polymath project. But the manuscript contains (among other) this conjecture which can be reasonably separated into an its own detached polymath project.

Proposal: Filters on Posets and Generalizations

I propose to collaboratively finish writing my manuscript “Filters on Posets and Generalizations” which should become the exhaustive reference text about filters on posets, filters on lattices, and generalizations thereof. I have setup this wiki for this purpose.

Filters on Posets at Google Knol

I removed this Knol. The development of “Filters on Posets and Generalizations” happens on instead. I decided to put my draft article “Filters on Posets and Generalizations” at Google Knol to be edited collaboratively by the Internet math community. The current PDF draft (in fact a very rough draft) is at this URL. Here […]

Do filters complementive to a given filter form a complete lattice?

Let $latex U$ is a set. A filter (on $latex U$) $latex \mathcal{F}$ is by definition a non-empty set of subsets of $latex U$ such that $latex A,B\in\mathcal{F} \Leftrightarrow A\cap B\in\mathcal{F}$. Note that unlike some other authors I do not require $latex \varnothing\notin\mathcal{F}$. I will denote $latex \mathscr{F}$ the lattice of all filters (on $latex […]

Isomorphic filters – open problems

For filters on sets defined equivalence relation being isomorphic. Posed some open problems like this: are every two nontrivial ultrafilters isomorphic?

Funcoids and Reloids – examples of funcoids added

A mathematician has said me that he cannot understand my writings because I introduce new terms without examples before. Because of this I added to my article Funcoids and Reloids (PDF) new subsection Informal introduction into funcoids. Hopefully now it is understandable. Please comment on this message whether you can understand my writings and what […]

My new math blog

I abandoned my old blogs at my own site and moved to This is my new math blog. Here I will tell about my math research.