My proposal for Open Problem Garden

I’ve sent to personnel of Open Problem Garden the following proposal email: Please add in each problem page a PayPal donation button. The money collected for a problem should be directed to the person which first solves the problem. One additional advantage is that this would provide a way to sort problems by importance: most […]

Wiki to prove that certain categories are cartesian closed

I have announced that I have proved that Category of continuous maps between endofuncoids is cartesian closed. This was a fake alarm, my proof was with a crucial error. Now I have put the problem and some ideas how to prove it in a wiki. So I announce a new project akin to Polymath Project. […]

A wiki about applying generalized limit to singularities theory

I have created a wiki about development of theory of singularities using generalized limits. Please read my book (where among other I define generalized limits) and then participate in this research wiki. Study singularities in this novel approach and share Nobel Prize with me!

Algebraic General Topology presentation – new version

The PDF Slides about Algebraic General Topology were updated to match newer notation used in my book. Use these slides to quickly familiarize yourself with my theory. I’ve removed altogether the notion of filter object, instead using a new different notation of lattice operators.

Online listing of research and other projects to participate

I’ve created a site where anyone may list his projects and anyone may mark which projects he is going to participate. Projects are organized into a tree. The site supports LaTeX and has “Mathematics” section: I have posted several pages on my math research project: – feel free to add yours also. The […]

Welcome to collaborative research on

Background information: I’ve written a math book and submitted it to a publisher. But afterward I found a serious error (a wrong proof of the conjecture below) and have withdrawn it from the publisher. Now the draft book is available online. (You will enjoy reading it if you are interested in general topology.) I welcome […]