Suppose we have an (efficient) NP-complete algorithm. I remind that proving a provable theorem isn’t an NP problem, because there are theorems whose shortest proof is of super-exponential length. However, finding a proof that is below a given “threshold” length is an…

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Lemme model what happens if somebody finds an efficient NP-complete algorithm. In layman terms (you are now studying things like this in the university, so you will soon know the formulas) an efficient NP-complete algorithm is: an algorithm that reaches any given…

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Describes the new political (economical) ideology under the contingent name social crypto libertarianism or left crypto libertarianism (Note that it is not social, not left, and not libertarianism, I call it so for lack of more suitable words.) and the practical steps of how to implant this concept into modern economy. You are offered to participate in the experiment volunteering or for a reward.

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