New concept in category theory: “unfixed morphisms”

I have developed my little addition to category theory, definition and research of properties of unfixed morphisms. Unfixed morphisms is a tool for turning a category (with certain extra structure) into a semigroup, that is abstracting away objects. Currently this research is available in this draft. I am going to rewrite my online book using […]

Category without the requirement of Hom-sets to be disjoint

From this Math.SE post: It would be helpful to have a standard term XXX for “a category without the requirement of Hom-sets to be disjoint” and “category got from XXX by adding source and destination object to every morphism”. This would greatly help to simplify at least 50% of routine definitions of particular categories. Why […]

Abrupt categories induced by categories with star-morphisms

In this blog post I introduced the notion of category with star-morphisms, a generalization of categories which have aroused in my research. Each star category gives rise to a category (abrupt category, see a remark below why I call it “abrupt”), as described below. Below for simplicity I assume that the set $latex {M}&fg=000000$ and […]

Funcoids and Reloids – updated

I updated my online article “Funcoids and Reloids”. Now it contains materials which previously were in separate articles: Partially ordered dagger categories; Generalized continuity, which generalizes continuity, proximity continuity, and uniform continuity.