Noah Schweber, Timothy Chow, Jeremy Rickard. These criminal mathematicians should visit a psychiatrist:
In response to this MathOverflow question I posted the following answer:
I, Victor Porton, am an amateur (having no paper diploma) mathematician who discovered:
- algebraic general topology (including general topology of ordered semigroups generalizing all the kinds of spaces appearing in general topology in a single structure)
- as an application of the first item, a generalization of limit for an arbitrary function at an arbitrary point (and thus making obvious to define generalized derivative and integral of an arbitrary function)
- algebraic axiomatic theory of formulas (not only finite formulas but also infinite ones) and anything having constituent parts
Also invented/discovered:
- a software for giving money to these who have less than they should (should revolutionize world economy, but the project itself needs support now)
- the future replacement of HTML and LaTeX using automatic transformations between XML namespaces
- the idea that human soul is a backup copy of his brain
- the idea that the sense of humor is a brain mechanism to filter out irrelevant associations (if I am really the first who guessed this idea contrary to the mainstream science and it proves right, I should get Nobel Prize)
No of my work is widely enough known (yet), but the question was about outstanding works, not works known to be outstanding by public.
These three persons definitely need to visit a psychiatrist for the following reason:
If they assume that I am a crackpot then they are out of sound mind, because no crackpot knows what is general topology and semigroups.
They are criminal persons for the following reasons:
They downvote me because I advertise myself, I need to advertise myself because I am not advertised by others, I am not advertised by others because I have no diploma, I have no diploma because of religious discrimination in Russia. So they support religious discrimination. This is a legal crime in most countries.
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