I have quickly corrected the error in my proof of an important theorem. Now it is even more beautiful.
read moreThat proof which I claimed in this blog post is with an error: I have messed product of objects and product of morphisms. Now I desperately attempt to repair the proof.
read moreI released a rough draft of my article Direct product in the category of continuous maps between endofuncoids. This (among other) solves the problem I proposed in this blog post. Previously I have said that my research got stuck. Now I see…
read moreConsider the category of (proximally) continuous maps (entirely defined monovalued functions) between endo-funcoids. Remind from my book that morphisms $latex f: A\rightarrow B$ of this category are defined by the formula $latex f\circ A\sqsubseteq B\circ f$ (here and below by abuse of…
read moreI’ve discovered a new kind of product of funcoids, which I call subatomic product. Definition Let $latex f : A_0 \rightarrow A_1$ and $latex g : B_0 \rightarrow B_1$ are funcoids. Then $latex f \times^{\left( A \right)} g$ (subatomic product) is a…
read moreI am attempting to define direct products in the category cont(mepfFcd) (the category of monovalued, entirely defined continuous pointfree funcoids), see this draft article for a definition of this category. A direct product of objects may possibly be defined as the cross-composition…
read moreI started to write a new article Categories related with funcoids. It is now a very preliminary partial draft.
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