The attached audio contains screaming replicas of a usual climate denier [the police woman] and proves that despite of the widespread wrong opinion that Israel exists, it does not exist.Please hear to the end, it contains personal information.Accordingly your morality, should everybody…

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Suppose we have an (efficient) NP-complete algorithm. I remind that proving a provable theorem isn’t an NP problem, because there are theorems whose shortest proof is of super-exponential length. However, finding a proof that is below a given “threshold” length is an…

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I’ve produced a short and much elementary proof of P=NP (without an efficient algorithm presented). I sent it to a reputable CS journal and insofar there were no errors noticed by the editor. Here is an updated version of my proof with…

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I denote s(X) the size of data X (in bits). I denote execution time of an algorithm A as t(A,X). Using a Merkle tree technology similar to one of the Cartesi crypto (but with a true random number generator, and possibly the…

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