Continuing my research from general topology monograph Algebraic General Topology, the following new open problems arose: I remind that I define generalized limit of arbitrary function. This limit is defined in terms of funcoids. As I show in the Book 3, Algebra,…
read moreContinuing this blog post: The set of all pointfree funcoids on upper semilattices with least elements is exactly a certain algebraic structure defined by propositional formulas. Really just add the identities defining a pointfree funcoid to the identities of an upper semilattice…
read moreA few seconds ago I realized that certain cases of pointfree funcoids can be described as a structure in the sense of mathematical logic, that is as a finite set of operations and relational symbols. Precisely, if a pointfree funcoid $latex f$…
read moreAlgebraic General Topology (a book series for both postdoctorals and college students) is a new branch of mathematics that replaces General Topology. Yes, general topology is now legacy! We have something better than topological spaces, funcoids. You almost spent time in vain…
read moreAfter a long time of being an unaccepted genius, the first volume of my book Algebraic General Topology is published officially (by the biggest Russian science publisher INFRA-M). The most general in general topology and algebraic theory, generalization of limit for multivalued…
read moreI’ve sent the final version of the first edition of my research monograph Algebraic General Topology. Volume 1 to Russian publisher INFRA-M and signed the publication contract. They are going to publish my book electronically. They also asked to send them a…
read morePlease nominate my math research book (can be easily read by every mathematician) for Doob Prize. All necessary information can be found at this page at Terry Tao’s blog and subcomments. And yes, my book is worth prize.
read moreI announced that I have introduces axioms for “restricted identities”, a structure on a category which allows to turn the category into a semigroup (abstracting away objects). But I noticed that these axioms do not fit into concrete examples which I am…
read moreI welcome you to the following math research volunteer job: Participate in writing my math research book (volumes 1 and 2), a groundbreaking general topology research published in the form of a freely downloadable book: implement existing ideas, propose new ideas develop…
read moreI’ve added a new section “Double filtrators” to the book “Algebraic General Topology. Volume 1”. I show that it’s possible to describe $latex (\mathsf{FCD})$, $latex (\mathsf{RLD})_{\mathrm{out}}$, and $latex (\mathsf{RLD})_{\mathrm{in}}$ entirely in terms of filtrators (order). This seems not to lead to really interesting…
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