Three Criminal Mathematicians Should Visit a Psychiatrist
Noah Schweber, Timothy Chow, Jeremy Rickard. These criminal mathematicians should visit a psychiatrist: In response to this MathOverflow question I posted the following answer: I, Victor Porton, am an amateur (having no paper diploma) mathematician who discovered: algebraic general topology (including general topology of ordered semigroups generalizing all the kinds of spaces appearing in general topology in a […]
How to Publish a Math/Science Article or Book at Amazon for Free. No need for Scientific Journals Anymore!

In recent days I published three scientific books on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing Program. My books contain complex formulas and yet I succeeded after much trying to find a way to publish them both as paperback and as e-books, yes with formulas. I want you to know how to do it, too. The Statistics or […]
Algebraic General Topology, a New Branch of Mathematics (Book) and How It Is Related With Limit of Discontinuous Function

Algebraic General Topology (a book series for both postdoctorals and college students) is a new branch of mathematics that replaces General Topology. Yes, general topology is now legacy! We have something better than topological spaces, funcoids. You almost spent time in vain studying topological spaces: In not so far future colleges will teach funcoids courses […]
The book “Algebraic General Topology” published officially
After a long time of being an unaccepted genius, the first volume of my book Algebraic General Topology is published officially (by the biggest Russian science publisher INFRA-M). The most general in general topology and algebraic theory, generalization of limit for multivalued discontinuous functions, algebraic formula of continuity (for multivalued functions), common theory of calculus […]
Monograph “Algebraic General Topology. Volume 1” sent for publication
I’ve sent the final version of the first edition of my research monograph Algebraic General Topology. Volume 1 to Russian publisher INFRA-M and signed the publication contract. They are going to publish my book electronically. They also asked to send them a Russian translation of my book to publish both in print and electronically. The […]
Please nominate me for Doob Prize in mathematics
Please nominate my math research book (can be easily read by every mathematician) for Doob Prize. All necessary information can be found at this page at Terry Tao’s blog and subcomments. And yes, my book is worth prize.
Math volunteer job
I welcome you to the following math research volunteer job: Participate in writing my math research book (volumes 1 and 2), a groundbreaking general topology research published in the form of a freely downloadable book: implement existing ideas, propose new ideas develop new theories solve open problems write and rewrite the book and other files […]
My math book updated
I updated my math research book to use “weakly down-aligned” and “weakly up-aligned” instead of “down-aligned” and “up-aligned” (see the book for the definitions) where appropriate to make theorems slightly more general. During this I also corrected an error. (One theorem referred to complement of a lattice element without stating that the lattice is boolean.) Well, maybe I […]
Peer review for open access math books
We have a new kind of math publishing: Free books distributed through Internet. It is a new kind of mathematical culture. Some books of this kind appeared with daunting success. It has great advantages. It is how things should be done in modern times. But it miss an essential part of math tradition, peer review. For […]
A new research project (a conjecture about funcoids)
I start the “research-in-the middle” project (an outlaw offspring of Polymath Project) introducing to your attention the following conjecture: Conjecture The following are equivalent (for every lattice $latex \mathsf{FCD}$ of funcoids between some sets and a set $latex S$ of principal funcoids (=binary relations)): $latex \forall X, Y \in S : \mathrm{up} (X \sqcap^{\mathsf{FCD}} Y) […]