I remind that I defined generalized limit of arbitrary function. The limit may be an infinitely big value. It allows to define derivative and integral of an arbitrary function. I also defined what are solutions of partial differential equations where such infinities…

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Traditional calculus as first considered in 17th century by Isaac Newton (and Leibniz, however some say Leibniz stole the Newton’s idea) and then 150 years later formalized (formulated correctly) by Cauchy and Weierstrass, uses limits. Initially calculus was called “infinitesimal calculus”, but…

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On the task formulated in this blog post: An attempt to prove that $latex \mathrm{GR} ( \Delta \times^{\mathsf{FCD}} \Delta)$ is closed under finite intersections (see http://portonmath.tiddlyspace.com/#[[Singularities%20funcoids%3A%20some%20special%20cases]]) http://portonmath.tiddlyspace.com/#[[Singularities%20funcoids%3A%20special%20cases%20proof%20attempts]]

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I discovered a math theory which (among other things) gives an alternate interpretation of the equations of general relativity (something like to replacing real numbers with complex numbers in a quadratic equation). This theory is a theory of limits in points of…

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