Algebraic General Topology, a New Branch of Mathematics (Book) and How It Is Related With Limit of Discontinuous Function

Algebraic General Topology (a book series for both postdoctorals and college students) is a new branch of mathematics that replaces General Topology. Yes, general topology is now legacy! We have something better than topological spaces, funcoids. You almost spent time in vain studying topological spaces: In not so far future colleges will teach funcoids courses […]
Monograph “Algebraic General Topology. Volume 1” sent for publication
I’ve sent the final version of the first edition of my research monograph Algebraic General Topology. Volume 1 to Russian publisher INFRA-M and signed the publication contract. They are going to publish my book electronically. They also asked to send them a Russian translation of my book to publish both in print and electronically. The […]