The lawyer Polycarp Temba from Kenya -tried to sell me a fake “government” mathematician certificate and sold me fake legal services. Our complete correspondence and his documents.
read moreI wrote two emails to mathematician Timothy Chow: — Hello, I wrote without prior noticing that you a are Christian. Later I found this and then remembered words of Jesus: “If a brother sins against you… say him… if he says…
read moreSorry for an offtopic for a math blog: I have started a unique experiment in human rights: Can human rights be accomplished in the modern world? Are geniuses deprived in rights compared to common people? Can rights of a person with opinions…
read moreBecause Kirovskiy district court of Perm city completely illegally ignored my claim during the 5 days it must answer. I send the claim to another court, Tverskoy district court of Moscow. In order to check if the ignoring of the lawsuit is…
read moreWhen I was a teenager, I decided that I must greet everyone with words like “I am a sectarian and a religions fanatic”. Sectarians are hated in Russia just like Jews in fascist Germany. As a result people didn’t spoke with me…
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