Christian Mathematician Timothy Y. Chow is a Heretic

I wrote two emails to mathematician Timothy Chow: — Hello, I wrote without prior noticing that you a are Christian. Later I found this and then remembered words of Jesus: “If a brother sins against you… say him… if he says ‘I repent’, you received your brother… otherwise count him as a pagan and […]

Three Criminal Mathematicians Should Visit a Psychiatrist

Noah Schweber, Timothy Chow, Jeremy Rickard. These criminal mathematicians should visit a psychiatrist: In response to this MathOverflow question I posted the following answer: I, Victor Porton, am an amateur (having no paper diploma) mathematician who discovered: algebraic general topology (including general topology of ordered semigroups generalizing all the kinds of spaces appearing in general topology in a […]

Ghana Police Service is Fake

Ghana Police Service is fake. I contacted them both by email and by Facebook. Apparently an animal sits at the keyboard and can’t type a reply. Are there people in Ghana? Hello police, This is a crime report by Victor Lvovich Porton, 1980 year birth, living in Ashkelon, Israel. Note: I first tried to contract […]

Bad Response of a Math Editor

Dear Prof. Nicolas, I attach as an official submission to Publications mathématiques de l’IHÉS my breakthrough article which defines a generalization of the well known concept of limit from analysis and general topology. Please inform as the review goes. limit.pdf Next day (!) the reply (sorry for publishing your personal letter, Dr. Nicolas, but it […]

Good news: Free money in Internet+some free perks

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Good news: Earn significant free money while you are browsing while autoremoving ads and trackers, saving traffic, and browsing privately: – New Browser that is better than Chrome!!! NO CATCH, I use it myself. For more information about Brave: 2020 Brave Browser review

Programmer Mind vs Mathematician Mind (Humility)

In the past I thought so: Common money-earning programmers just have the skill to comprehend with their egg-heads how program flow moves between multiple levels of functions and classes calling each other in a “perverted”, unpredictable, messy fashion. While I am a programmer, too, I am different: I am a mathematician, I comprehend abstraction, generalization, […]

What is Calculus and How Might AGT Change it?


Differential and integral calculus are two of the most important mathematical discoveries of the last few centuries. Since the work of Isaac Newton in 1665, through Lagrange and Cauchy, to formalize this branch of mathematics—calculus has served a crucial role in most fields of human inquiry. Anyone who’s done even basic geometry and algebra would […]

Impact Of AGT On Calculus

AGT and Calculus

Calculus has served a crucial role in most fields of human inquiry. Anyone who’s done even basic geometry and algebra would appreciate the importance of calculus. Learn more about calculus here:

The Potential Role of AGT in Economic Analysis

The Potential Role of AGT in Economic Analysis

One of the fields of human inquiry that make extensive use of mathematics and calculus is economics. Contemporary economic theory relies heavily on mathematical concepts and ideas to make sense or and theorize about economic phenomenon to devise economic models/policies. Anyone who doesn’t know the basics of calculus and mathematical analysis can’t hope to become […]