A new book for mathematicians and programmers published: Axiomatic Theory of Formulas or Algebraic Theory of Formulas. The book is an undergraduate level but contains a new theory. Get it: PAPERBACK E-BOOK From the preface: This new mathematical theory developed by the…

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No root of -1? No limit of discontinuous function? Like as once roots were generalized for negative numbers, I succeeded to generalize limits for arbitrary discontinuous functions. The formula of limit of discontinuous function is based on algebraic general topology, my generalization…

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The organization EULER Foundation and personally their president Vostokov Sergey Vladimirovich are discriminatory. Moreover as they accept donations from general public, they are cheaters because they don’t warn the donors that their money is going to be used discriminatory. They say on…

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I made several scientific discoveries (mainly in abstract mathematics but also in XML files processing). I claim to be a genius based on this fact. But what I mean saying “I am a genius”? I mean just that all the rest experts…

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